Click Here For Waiting List Position Lookup
Since the demand for housing assistance often exceeds the limited resources available to HUD and the local housing agencies, long waiting periods are common. In fact, a PHA may close its waiting list when it has more families on the list than can be assisted in the near future. Each PHA has the discretion to establish local preferences to reflect the housing needs and priorities of its particular community.
If the SHA determines that your family is eligible, then your name will be placed on the waiting list, unless it is able to assist you immediately. Once your name is reached on the waiting list, the SHA will contact you regarding additional information which may be required and to have fingerprints completed to screen for criminal history.
SHA screens applicants based on criminal history. A qualified applicant may not have a misdemeanor activity for the last three (3) years or any felony activity for the last ten (10) years.
Once the applicant passes the criminal history check, they will be sent a notice to attend a New Participant Orientation session.
Preferences establish the order of applicants on the waiting list. Applicants will be positioned on the waiting list based upon the number of preference points for which they are qualified, date and time of application. Applicants who qualify for the highest number of preference points will be positioned ahead of those who qualify for fewer or no preference points on the waiting list. An admissions preference does not guarantee admission. Every applicant must still meet SHA admissions screening criteria before being offered a Housing Choice Voucher or an Affordable Housing unit. Preferences will be granted to applicants on the waiting list who are otherwise qualified and/or who, at the time of application processing, are verified to meet the definitions of the preference described below. Preferences will not have the purpose or effect of delaying or otherwise denying admission to the program based on race, color, ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, or age of any member of an applicant family. (24 CFR 982.207)

Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
(Formerly Known As Section 8)
Applications: Applications will be accepted IN PERSON only at SHA’s Administrative Office located at 200 N 11th St in Springfield, Illinois. All applicants MUST be interviewed by a HCV Specialist who will review the application for completeness, accuracy and ensure that appropriate signatures have been obtained. Applications submitted by mail, fax, or internet WILL NOT be accepted.
SHA provides equal housing opportunities to all persons interested in participating in the HCV Program without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, and/or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local laws.
Applications will ONLY be accepted Tuesdays from 8:30 to 11:30 am & 1 to 4 pm.
For additional information including eligibility criteria, mandatory documents, and other requirements, please click here.
SHA has established the following local preferences for the HCV Program:
Local Residency Preference:
Applicant households with a permanent physical residence
in Sangamon County, Illinois. Eligibility for Local Residency Preference must be
demonstrated by having a permanent physical residence within the jurisdictional area.
Physical residence shall be defined as a domicile with a mailing address, other than a post
office box, for which the applicant can produce one or more of the following: a lease or a
purchase agreement, utility bills showing the claimed residence address, or two pieces of
first class mail addressed to a member of the applicant household at the claimed
address. (24 CFR 982.207) (25 points).
Verification of Local Resident Preference:
- A lease or purchase agreement
- Utility bills showing the claimed residence address
- Two (2) pieces of first-class mail addressed to a member of the applicant
household at the claimed address - Local Employment Preference: Applicant households in which a member of the
household (head, spouse or sole member) is currently employed in Sangamon County
for 12 months or longer. Eligibility for Local Employment Preference must be
demonstrated by third party employment verification. Applicants where the head and
spouse, or sole member is age 62 or older, or is a person with disabilities will also be
awarded this preference. (24 CFR 982.207) (30 points)
Verification of Local Employment Preference:
- Completion and receipt of a Third-Party Employment Verification directly
from the employer indicated on the form
Need To Change Your Contact Information
For Your HCV Application?
Any changes to your HCV application, including but not limited to mailing address, phone, family composition and household income, MUST be submitted to SHA in writing. Telephone notification will NOT be accepted.
Failure to update your mailing address could cause your application to be withdrawn. Any mail sent by the SHA to an applicant which is returned by the United States Postal Service for any reason is grounds for automatic WITHDRAWAL from the waiting list.
Do you need to submit a change of address? Click here for the HCV Change of Address Form. Changes are only accepted in writing in person, by mail or fax.
Affordable Housing
(Formerly Known As Public Housing)
Public Housing applications MUST be submitted in person, mailed applications will NOT be accepted. Applications are ONLY accepted on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:30 to 11:30 am or 1:00 to 4:00 pm at our offices located at 200 North 11th Street, Springfield, IL 62703.
Applications should be submitted with all appropriate documentation as outlined in the application packet for processing in person during office.
Affordable Housing: Springfield Housing Authority Application
Applications can be obtained during office hours, which are Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 4:30 pm at 200 N 11th St, Springfield, Illinois or can be requested to be mailed via telephone at (217) 753-5757.
What Do I Bring When I Come In To Apply?
In order to process your application, you will need to furnish all the information and/or documentation listed below as it pertains to your household:
- ORIGINAL CERTIFIED birth records for all members of the household
Note: copies and hospital certificates will not be accepted - ORIGINAL Social Security cards for all members of the household
Note: copies will not be accepted - ORIGINAL Picture identification of all members 18 years of age and older
Note: copies will not be accepted - Landlord Information for residences for the last 24 months
- Landlord name, addresses – verification will be mailed
- Dates of residency
- Address(s) that you resided in for the last 24 months
- Proof of Assets
- Stocks, bonds, real estate, checking and/or savings accounts, etc.
- Any other asset information
- Proof of income for ALL members of the household. All income MUST be reported and WILL BE verified. Proof of income includes but is not limited to the following:
- Employment Information:
- 5 most recent pay check stubs
- Employer(s) name and address to mail verification forms
- Includes ALL employed members of the household
- Pension, Social Security, SSI, etc:
- Current award letter and/or documentation
- Child Support
- Documentation to verify amounts received
- Other documents as applicable
- Marriage license, divorce decree, official separation papers, custody papers, etc.
SHA has established the following local preferences for Affordable Housing:
- Local Residency Preference: Applicant households are currently a resident of Sangamon County or are employed in Sangamon County. Residency must be on a permanent, nontemporary basis (25 points).
- Working Family Preference: At least one adult in your household is gainfully employed at least 20 hours per week and has been for the last 90 days (50 points).
- Elderly Household Preference: If the Head of Household, Spouse, or Sole Member is age 62 or older at time of application (50 points).
- Disable Family Preference: If the Head of Household, Spouse, or Sole Member is a person with Disabilities at the time of application. It may include two or more persons with disabilities living together or one or more persons with disabilities living with one or more live-in aides (50 points).